Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Lokasi : United StatesUS
Judul : Digital libraries: Future potentials and challenges
Pengarang : Pope, Nolan F
Judul publikasi : Library Hi Tech
Volume : 16
Edisi : 3/4
Halaman : 147-155
Jumlah halaman : 10
Tahun publikasi : 1998
Tanggal publikasi : 1998
Tahun : 1998
Penerbit : Bradford
Penerbit : Emerald Group Publishing, Limited
Tempat publikasi : Bradford
Negara publikasi : United Kingdom
ISSN : 07378831
Jenis sumber : Scholarly Journals
Bahasa publikasi : English
Jenis dokumen : Feature
Subfile : Libraries, Information management, Systems management, Interfaces, Forecasts
ID dokumen ProQuest : 200667998
Hak cipta : Copyright MCB UP Limited (MCB) 1998
Terakhir diperbarui : 2010-06-06
Basis data : ABI/INFORM Complete


Four broad area for future development in the digital library environment are identified and explored. The presentation and display of information is linked to interface design issues and the types of data and services that might be made available. The challenge of organizing resources and services into virtual collections, often based on vendor, product name, or levels of bibliographic access, is considered. Issues concerning the technical architecture of library systems and data are described, including multi-tiered architecture, broadcast search capabilities, and support for a growing diversity of data formats. Rights management and access controls related to resource integrity and user security are discussed.

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